Ten fat sausages

标签: 英文儿歌少儿儿歌

  Ten fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   Eight fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   Six fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   Four fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   Two fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   No more sausages sitting in the pan,   Ten fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   Eight fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   Six fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   Four fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   Two fat sausages sitting in the pan,   One went pop, and another went bam!   No more sausages sitting in the pan.





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